Psychological Triggers that Win Sales at Your Computer Repair Store!

by RepairDesk
computer repair store

Starting a computer repair business isn’t that hard, but the survival of your repair business and competing in the massive repair market is pretty hard. You have everything set up, a nice store location, proper inventory, and even trained technical staff. Here comes the most important question; how to get more customers who can’t wait to buy the products and services at your computer repair store?

The key to success in any business is an understanding of customer psychology. As Neil Patel mentioned in one of his guides;

“Online marketers are obsessed with traffic acquisition numbers and conversion rates. It’s easy to forget that your consumers are real people on the other side of the computer screen.”

Customer’s psychology is no different than yours, but it is somehow a bit more focused. It keeps revolving around what they want and how you understand and address their needs. If you’re not pushing the right emotional sales triggers at exactly the right time, the conversion rate will be pretty terrible. Here are some of the most effective psychological triggers that you can start using today to double your sales:


Mention “FREE” word

The easiest yet most effective trigger is showing the word ‘free’ anywhere in your computer repair store. It can be either free screen protector with the LCD replacement or it can be the free keychain with your shop name. Also, you can send free coupons with some discount on future purchases to your loyal clients. This is highly likely to make them feel compelled to buy something or avail any service from your repair store.

RepairDesk helps you in showing off your promotions and discounts with its dedicated Customer Facing Display. Set up any flash banner advertising your daily offers and customers will be all yours! Give a try, all for FREE, to the Best computer repair shop POS software designed specifically to address your needs.

Provoke Curiosity Factor & Set Limit

Do you ever regret not buying some hot and trending phone cover from a flat 50% sale? Or anything that was overly expensive for you to buy and you were waiting to get it on a discount? Yes!

Right, people don’t like something slipping through their fingers. Promotions and offers that come with a limited timeframe, create the state of urgency and customer psychology always votes for not losing any opportunity. For example, let’s suppose you offer 30% off some of the trending items for only 2 days. Many people who are on the verge of making the purchase will eagerly seize the opportunity because they are afraid of missing some benefits.

Spreading out the word for your offers becomes much easier to implement if you have the necessary marketing tools under your belt. Try RepairDesk’s campaigner to set automated emails & SMS, and notify your customers about the latest promotions at your computer repair store.

Pitch the Most Relevant Product

As soon as the customers walk into your repair store, they’ll reach out to the section of their interest. And if they are unable to find those items, it is your responsibility to show them the similar products they might be interested in.

Make your products or repair services seem more desirable by reminding your potential customers that other people also liked the offer that you are presenting to them right now. Try RepairDesk to have clear information about your top-selling items. It gives you a detailed report about the products that earned you the highest profits and what let you down. That accurate data will help you in pitching the most relevant to your customers, in the future.

Tell a Story

Make a situation rather than opening up a statistic report to show the success of selling item and why they need it. Customer stories allow us to connect with one another and understand each other better with the realistic experience of people like us.

Moreover, people are more likely to remember scenarios told as compared to numbers. The research found that most of the times, after one-minute pitches, 63% of people remembered the story, whereas only 5% were able to remember a statistic that was given.

Use Social Proof

This is the era of comparison and social influencers. Before spending money, people look up to other users to check the brand reputation. Be sure that your positive social proof connects smartly to your repair shop. Collect reviews and testimonials and display them in your store or online, show how many people have shared your products on social media and what they say about you.

Having a good story and positive comments will definitely win customer trust and this is how customer psychology will work in your favor. So, try these sales psychology techniques at your computer repair store and watch your sales rising up!

RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS software for your cellphone repair store and see it for yourself!

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