What are the Busiest Days for a Repair Business?

by Talha Afzaal

Attention, repair shop owners!

Your repair shop’s footfall is never the same. There are times when your staff is sitting idle with no customers and very few devices to fix. You might have also experienced times when your shop was packed with so many customers and as a result, you were unable to serve all of them.

If only you knew more about your potential footfall, you would be able to optimize your staff’s presence.

Today, we will share with you data-backed findings of a repair business’s busiest days so you can make informed staffing decisions.

So, when should you pay extra attention?

Busiest Day: 22nd December 2023

Based on our collected data, the busiest day for repair shops in 2023 was December 22nd.

When the holiday season reaches its peak, electronics users rush to get their devices repaired before the celebrations.

Ensure full staffing on this day to help you manage the surge of customers looking for last-minute repairs. Consider extending your hours and offering special holiday promotions to attract more business.

You can also hire temporary repair technicians to avoid overburdening your regular team. Additionally, with the help of employee management software, you can set employee sales targets, track clock-ins and clock-outs, and analyze their performance. Knowing the number of hours spent on job, and the number of jobs performed through automated employee tracking makes payroll processing very easy.

Busiest Week: Starting 18th December 2023

For many businesses in the US, the Christmas shopping season is a profitable time of year. As confirmed by data, for repair shop owners, the week starting December 18th was the busiest week of the year 2023.

The demand for repair services also increases as people prepare for holiday travels and gatherings. Staffing effectively during such a week is crucial to managing the influx.

Busiest Month: March 2023

March 2023 stood out as the busiest month for repair shops. After a happening holiday season and a busy start to the new year, many customers are finally making some time in March to address issues they encounter with their devices.

Planning your staffing can ensure you can accommodate the increased demand at your shop.

You can boost your repair shop sales with RepairDesk marketing automation tool during a busy month. Send email and SMS marketing campaigns to customers, letting them know about the repair services, discounts, and promotions.

This is not it; you can get more reviews on Google, boosting customer engagement and brand awareness.

Plan Smart, Stay Prepared

Understanding your customers’ shopping patterns allows you to optimize your staffing levels. With the RepairDesk reporting feature, you can monitor the daily progress of your lab, tracking your busiest months, weeks, and days.

Thus, you can ensure you’re neither overstaffed during quieter periods nor understaffed during peak times.

Stay tuned for more tips on enhancing your repair shop’s performance!

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