Why do Cellphone Repair Stores need Repair Authorization Form?

by RepairDesk
Work Authorization Form

Whether your cellphone repair store specializes in phone repair, laptop repair, data protection, PC repair spyware/adware management, technical support, or other computer services; staying safe from the legal issues should be your top priority. Having a smooth-running repair shop requires customer satisfaction at its early stage. For this, you need some sort of work authorization form or repair authorization form to prevent headaches, wasted time, and even legal troubles.

“The back camera flash was working fine before the repair!”

“I’ve never had a problem with the home button before.”

“My phone’s touch display was running perfectly before the repair, and now it stalls.”

When you provide repair services, customers will hold you accountable in the future (if anything goes wrong). So, every cellphone or computer repair store owner should have some technique to show proof regarding customer authorization to display later on, primarily if you have worked on bulk orders. We have heard about undertaking forms termed as ‘Work Authorization Forms’ or ‘Repair Authorization Forms.’

These are the true life-savers!

The days of the standard, long-paragraphed authorization forms are over. With personal devices containing more data and customer information than ever, these forms have become more important in avoiding confrontational situations with customers — and even lawsuits. Let’s take a closer look at them to know more;

How Can a Repair Authorization Form benefit your repair business?

This short-form usually grants customer consent to perform a pre and post-repair diagnostic scan on the damaged device before starting the repair process. By signing the form, customers acknowledge the terms and conditions written on it. Here is what’s included in the repair authorization form;

  • It has complete customer details, including their name, contact no., email address, and other relevant information.
  • The form covers device specifications, including the IMEI number, serial number, device problem (as mentioned by the client), and the security password.
  • Pre-repair conditions checklist
  • Diagnostic notes added by the customers
  • Relevant repair ticket and invoice identification number
  • It shows the payment information. As a result, the customer knows what is paid and what is due.
  • Terms and conditions of your repair store
  • Salesman and customer signatures

Fixing up a smartphone, MacBook, iPad, or any electronic device involves customers and technicians agreeing on certain facts and procedures. If there are any disagreements, they may result in legal actions against your technician, or cellphone repair shop if anything goes wrong. Therefore, you must have signed proof of everything submitted, since taking your customer’s most valuable and expensive possession and working on it demands confirmation and approval before repairing.

When signing a work authorization form, customers know what they are paying for and what needs to be repaired. Also, it tells them, how much it will cost in real-time so they can fine-tune their order and commit.

How to get a Repair Authorization form template?

We understand your workload and efforts to run a repair store efficiently, and that’s why RepairDesk is here to help you out in every possible way. We’ve prepared a professional template of the repair authorization form to use as-is or modify and personalize as you require. Just fill out the necessary details below and get started!

RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our repair shop POS software for your cellphone repair shop and see it for yourself!


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