Download Free Work Authorization Form for Cellphone or Computer Repair Store

by RepairDesk
Work Authorization Form

Having your repair shop grow into a successful and thriving business is the best feeling in the world. Nothing compares to the joy of seeing your countless hours of hard work, sweat and dedication pay off with your once fledgling business become a reputable establishment. However, with your growing repair business, the responsibility of keeping everything running smooth increases exponentially. When you provide repair services, customers will hold you accountable in the future (if anything goes wrong). So, to prevent headaches, wasted time and even legal troubles, every cellphone or computer repair store owner should have some form of proof regarding customer authorization to show later on, primarily if you have worked on bulk orders. We all have heard about undertaking forms that are termed as ‘Work Authorization Forms’ or ‘Repair Authorization Forms.’ Let’s take a closer look at them to know more;

What is a ‘Work Authorization Form’ or ‘Repair Authorization Form’?

When any client comes to your repair store and asks for the repair of damaged devices or computers, before you start repairing, ask the customer to sign a repair authorization form first. This form contains;

  • Complete customer details, including their name, contact no., email address, and other relevant information.
  • Device specifications, including the IMEI number, serial number, device problem (as mentioned by the client), and the security password.
  • Pre-repair conditions checklist
  • Diagnostic notes added by the customers
  • Relevant repair ticket and invoice identification number
  • Payment information, i.e. what is paid and what is due
  • Terms and conditions of your repair store
  • Salesman and customer signatures

Why do you need a work authorization form?

Fixing up a smartphone, MacBook, iPad, or any electronic device involves customers and technicians agreeing on certain facts and procedures. If there are any disagreements, they may result in legal actions against your technician, or cellphone repair shop if anything goes wrong. Therefore, you must have a signed proof of everything submitted, since taking your customer’s most valuable and expensive possession and working on it demands confirmation and approval before repairing.

When signing a work authorization from, customers know what they are paying for, what needs to be repaired, and how much it will cost in real-time so they can fine-tune their order and commit. This official form helps your staff in avoiding lawsuits, keeping accurate records, and maintaining high accuracy in repairs. For staff members at the repair store, it can serve as a helpful reference if you have any disagreement or dispute with previous repairs.

Where can you find a complete template of the form?

We understand your workload and efforts to run a repair store efficiently, and that’s why RepairDesk is here to help you out in every possible way. We’ve prepared a professional template of the work authorization form that you can use as is or modify and personalize as you require. Just hit the link below, fill out the necessary details and get started!

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