Host a Customer Appreciation Day at Your Computer Repair Shop

by RepairDesk
Customer Appreciation Day at your computer repair shop

Customer Appreciation Day, as the name applies, is a day you dedicate to your customers as a gesture of the love you have for them. You show them how important they are to you by offering them special gifts and perks. 

It’s a date that you pick to celebrate your love for your customers every year, like a birthday or an anniversary.

Why do you need a Customer Appreciation Day?

Customers are the heart of your computer repair shop, and you gotta keep the heart beating if you want your business to live longer and healthier. 

In today’s fast-paced world, customers have infinite choices of places to get their devices repaired. You should be grateful to the ones who choose you and express your gratitude towards them.

Customers who feel appreciated spend more and stay loyal to your store. They also refer their friends and family to your business. So if you invest a day or two to show your love and appreciation for your customers, not only will you get that appreciation back, but also earn more sales. 

Customer Appreciation Day 2020

Now what can you do on your customer appreciation day to make it grand? Here are some ideas.

Go live on your social media

You love your customers and you want to say it out loud, guess what will serve you the best? SOCIAL MEDIA. 

Post a customer appreciation day video on all your social media pages. Share pictures with your best customers on stories and don’t forget to tag them. 

You can even make this a regular practice and share these customer success stories once or twice in a week, just like we do on our blogs

Offer customer appreciation discount

Nothing says “We love you and appreciate you doing business with us” more than a discount, so why not?

Offer an ‘X%’ customer appreciation day-themed discount for your loved customers on their big day. You can make it big or keep it fairly small depending on your budget, no pressure!

Big or small, the more creative you go with your customer appreciation day sale, the better it will deliver your gesture. Put a flat discount on all your products and services so each one of your customers can get what they want. Watch your best-selling accessories and repair services from your sales reports and offer them in a product/service bundle. Go crazy with it!

P.S. Run an email campaign for customer appreciation day to inform your customers about your special sale. 

Be generous with loyalty points

Loyalty program spells out customer appreciation even on a normal day. 

Free loyalty points are just another avatar of offering a discount. Both will work as a present to your customers of enjoying your bargained repair services and products on their big day.

Don’t have a customer loyalty program in place? Nothing to worry about, you can have it set up easily with our repair shop software. It lets you set up a smart loyalty program and customer loyalty portal with just a few clicks.

Try RepairDesk for FREE

Once you are done with the loyalty program set up, give your customers free loyalty points on customer appreciation day. They can use those points for any repair service or product they want and save some cash. Thanks, well said! 

This will also give a taste of loyalty points to the customers who won’t sign up for your loyalty program right away. They will definitely come back to try it again and do more purchases with your repair store. High-five!

Give away your store gift cards

Gift cards are your dark horse of customer appreciation day. They will make your existing customers happy as well as bring you new ones.

Unlike loyalty points, customers can pass their gift cards on to others. It works like this: you give customer appreciation day gift cards to your customers, some will spend it themselves for getting their device repaired from you or buying an accessory or some will pass it on to their family member or friend, who will also do a similar purchase with your store. In either case, your existing customers will be happy but in the latter you’ll also get new customers.

So make sure to check this off your customer appreciation day to-do list creating special customer appreciation day gift cards with your computer repair shop software and giving them away to your customers who show up to celebrate the day with you.

RepairDesk Enterprise Plan has got you covered on both the loyalty program and gift card features. So if you are not already on board with it, we’d love to have you.

Upgrade to Enterprise Plan

Extend customer appreciation day to a week

In cell phone and computer repair terms, expressing customer appreciation is like the memory storage of a device the more, the better. So if you want to go an extra mile with it, you can always extend the appreciation day and celebrate it all week long.

No matter how many days you dedicate to your customers or how many things you do off of this list, you’ll win the hearts of your customers as long as you keep them front and centre of this event. On this ending note, we hope that you and your customers have an amazing customer appreciation day!

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