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8 Mistakes Every Computer Repair Technician Needs to Avoid

by Nosherwan Khan
8 mistakes every computer repair technician needs to avoid

Computer repair is a challenging field, and you need to be very aware of what you’re doing as a computer repair technician. People will eventually face problems with their computers, and they will come to you for help. It could be their internet not working, their programs running slow, their operating system suddenly being corrupted. These are issues that many people face and can’t always resolve on their own. However, if you want to fix it for them, you’ll need to be mindful of some of the pitfalls of computer repair.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the mistakes that computer repair technicians will need to avoid for successful repairs. These tips can help you repair computers much better, and as a result, gain more customers. While they differ from the biggest challenges that computer repair shops face, they are nevertheless extremely important. Let’s begin.

Always perform basic diagnostics first

Most of the time, people tend to have issues with their computers that are very basic and simple in nature. It could be anything like their laptop failing to catch any WiFi signals, or their audio suddenly not coming out. These problems can be easily remedied by performing basic diagnostics.

When taking a computer in for repair, always look for the common issues first. It doesn’t matter how simple it may seem, checking for the usual culprits could actually make your work easier. People have a tendency to assume the worst with their computers and call in for repairs. However, the problem may be very basic and can be easily identified with a basic diagnostic test.

We recommend creating a sort of checklist for your basic diagnosis. Listing down the usual tests that cover all bases is a good idea. It gets you to diagnose the device quicker and perform repairs faster. Any computer repair technician worth their salt would do well to implement something like this.

Don’t misdiagnose the problem

While doing a basic check on the system you’re repairing is a good idea, it’s important that you get it right. More often than not, you can end up misdiagnosing the problem if your research isn’t good.

When working with a new system or device, always make sure you’re well-read on how it works. Not all devices work the same, even if they’re made by the same manufacturer. Differences in components, build, software, etc. means that you won’t find a holistic solution for each problem. It’s best to know what you’re up against and how to deal with it if you want to get your diagnosis right. Better to not waste any time on repairs, and instead improve your computer repair service.

Prepare the right tools for testing and repair

If you’re going to diagnose and work on repairs correctly, you need the right tools for the job. Some systems require extensive testing to trace down problems, and tools that can do those in-depth tests will be necessary.

There are a lot of tools that can be used for different purposes. For example, if you want to check the thermals for your system, using a thermographic camera would be an ideal solution. It lets you track temperatures with the system based on the zone you’re pointing at, letting you see thermals appropriately. Similarly, if you’re going into microsoldering, you will need a good microscope to see what you need to repair. And let’s not forget that disinfecting your systems is important, for which you’ll need cleaning materials.

This doesn’t just apply to hardware, though; you’ll also need the right software for computer repairs. Boot diagnostics can give you information on a computer’s state when it first boots up. Software like CPU-Z or tools like ‘lsvpd’ for Linux can give you detailed stats on your hardware and OS. Remember, as a computer repair technician, you should always be prepared.

Always use security software

Many computer owners don’t feel the need to install security software onto their systems. To them, security software tends to slow down their systems and isn’t worth the hassle. This ironically leaves them exposed to vulnerabilities that would slow down their computers anyway. It’s a problem that is fairly common, but a good computer repair technician will always have an answer for it.

Having a computer that is infested with viruses, malicious code, or is generally unprotected is a bad time. That’s why having security software around is a good idea. Using security suites can take care of all the malicious intrusions that a system faces, and makes repairing it much easier.

Back up data before repairs

Repairing systems can sometimes result in things being broken. If a person isn’t familiar with how computer systems work, they could end up making their computers unbootable. Worse still, there’s a chance that all their precious data will be lost forever.

When working on computer repairs, it’s always a good idea to backup important data so you don’t lose anything major. This can be done through a variety of methods; setting hard drives in RAID 1 to get an exact copy, creating system images, backing up to the cloud, etc. Many operating systems do have a system restore option, but it’s always better to go for a more reliable solution. Losing data can be soul-crushing, and your customers mostly wouldn’t want that under any circumstances.

Use trusted computer repair technician guides

This ties into our earlier point of doing your research when repairing. Fixing computers is not often a simple task, and fixing it properly requires knowledge of what you’re doing. While many other enthusiasts may have posted YouTube videos or shared snippets in message boards, they’re not guaranteed solutions.

When working on repairing a computer, you’re better off following a trusted guide from a professional computer repair technician. This could be from the company’s official site, or from third-party services like iFixit. Getting detailed schematics and instructions is going to be important, and it needs to be from a reliable source. This guarantees maximum reliability and minimum hassle, making your repairs much easier.

Don’t forget testing after repairs

When performing computer repairs (or any repair in general), it’s always a great idea to test after you’ve taken care of everything. Making sure everything is working properly is important, especially after you’ve opened a system and tinkered around with it.

It’s a good idea to prepare a post-repair checklist, similar to the one from before you begin your repairs. Run your usual diagnostics on the system, and make sure everything is working properly. Usually, issues arise when you’ve already finished with the repairs and wrapped things up, so make sure you test afterward to avoid any inconveniences.

Practice general safety

This one is pretty much a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless. Whenever you’re working with any electronic equipment, always remember to practice safety. Make sure that the components you’re working on are disconnected from their power source. Do not keep any liquids nearby as a safety precaution. Working with latex gloves would be helpful since they will protect you from dirt and germs. Also, beware of static that can build up over time, and make sure you take the necessary precautions for it. You should make it a good practice to ground yourself so that any static electricity can safely pass to the earth. That way, you won’t face a shock when fixing up computers. And remember that keeping yourself protected from COVID-19 is just as important as anything else.


It’s easy to make mistakes as a computer repair technician when working on systems. Repairing certainly isn’t a simple process, and there is so much going on that you’re bound to miss something. With these pointers, however, you can avoid the most common mistakes technicians end up making. Consider improving your workflow with these tips, and you’ll be repairing computers with no worries.

If you really want to keep your workflow on point, we recommend that you give RepairDesk a shot. RepairDesk is an all-in-one repair management solution that takes care of all your repair needs. You’ll be able to easily catalog repairs, schedule them in your pipeline, and even add pre- and post-repair checklists. Just like we mentioned earlier! RepairDesk gives you unprecedented control of your repair shop, making it easy to follow up on everything from tickets to invoices, inventory orders to employee management, and much more. Sign up now for a free 14-day trial, and see for RepairDesk makes life so much easier for you. With RepairDesk, there’s nothing to slow your business down as it keeps on growing.

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