How to Make More Money at Your Repair Shop – Part 3: Staying Open During Holidays!

by Talha Afzaal

Attention, repair shop owners!

Welcome to the third installment of our series on how to make more money at your repair shop.

We know that it is tiring managing your repair shop day in and day out. Just like everyone, you sometimes need a break, at least during the holidays.

However, what if we told you that keeping your shops open during holidays can help maximize profits?

Yes! You heard it right.

The holiday season rings in smartphone repair needs. The season is not just about spreading cheer; it’s also a prime time for phone users to seek tech repairs and upgrades. From broken screens to malfunctioning devices, the demand for repair services increases during this time as people prepare their gadgets for gift exchanges and festive gatherings.

Based on the curated data from thousands of repair shop owners, here are some surprising stats.

According to data from sales activity in repair shops in 2023, on Memorial Day, repair shops generated 70% of their average sales. And on Veteran’s Day, repair shops generated a whopping 133% of their average sales.

So, by staying open during holidays, you can experience a revenue increase of up to 33% compared to your competitors who close their doors, allowing you to capture the attention of individuals seeking urgent repairs.

But to make it productive, you need careful planning and preparation, such as

🗸   Staff Scheduling: You must plan your staffing schedule well in advance to ensure adequate coverage during holiday hours.

🗸  Promotional Offers: You can capitalize on the holiday spirit by offering special offers on repair services. For that, we need to look for the popular discounts and offers for our phone repair shops.

🗸  Marketing Campaigns: Leverage email marketing, social media, and other available digital channels to promote your happy hours.

In this regard, RepairDesk can do wonders for you. Using its online appointments features, the customers schedule appointments directly from the websites, so they don’t have to wait in long queues. Along with that, with its marketing automation tool, you can run Email and SMS campaigns with discount offers for specific customer groups.

Boost your revenue this holiday season and strengthen your customer loyalty and trust.

Stay tuned; we will come up with another exciting insight soon!

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