How Much Monthly Rent Do You Need to Pay for Your Repair Shop?

by Talha Afzaal
How Much Monthly Rent Do You Need to Pay for Your Repair Shop

Hey, repair shop owners!

When you run a repair business, you have to bear several expenses. One of which is your monthly rent.  The amount you pay after every 30 or 31 days can significantly affect your profitability.

So, what’s the average cost to rent a repair store in America?

Although there is no “one” answer to this question. But the rent depends on the following factors

  • Location of your shop
  • Its size
  • City you operate in

In the US, the rent is determined per square foot. According to the data available, renting a shop in a mall can cost you US$ 33.35 per square foot. On the other side, if you rent a repair store on a not-so-busy street, it can cost you roughly $15 to $20.

In addition, make sure that your rent should not exceed 10% of your revenue per month. Like if you make $35,000, the rent should not be more than $3500.

In addition, to manage rent effectively, consider selling related accessories too. Or, carefully choose a location where the rent is low.

Lastly, staying organized is key. With RepairDesk repair shop software, you can manage your finances efficiently. Send notification reminders to your customers to get timely payments. You will also get reports letting you know your business’s progress so you can plan ahead.

In the end, what you pay can make or break your business. So, be smart in choosing the right space for your shop, where you can keep your expenses under control and expand.

Good luck, and keep thriving!

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