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5 Safety Tips for On-Site Mobile Repairs During COVID-19

by Nosherwan Khan
Mobile Repairs During COVID-19

As the COVID-19 epidemic casts its shadow across the globe, businesses are being put to halt. The mobile repair industry too has been affected by the pandemic and has pivoted its operations accordingly. Many repair businesses are offering extra services such as drive-thru and on-site repair. Perhaps the most important things to take care of are safety precautions for any special service that technicians provide.

Since we’ve covered a number of business tips in our Business Survival Guide series, let’s take a look at how we can make them safer and more secure. Here are 5 safety tips that you can use for on-site mobile repairs.

Tip 1 – Maintain as little contact as possible

On-site repairs normally tend to have a decent amount of customer interaction. However, with COVID-19 being a serious threat, repairs need to have very limited exposure. Even when repairing someone’s phone, don’t forget about social distancing; you need to keep your contact limited. Look for ways through which you can coordinate while not being in the direct vicinity. Use video, voice and text messages to your advantage.

Tip 2 – Drive up to them and fix in your car

No double with the Coronavirus issue being so prevalent, you’ll want to control your environment. Repairing in a safe place is strongly recommended, and the best way is to drive up to your customers and repair them in your car.

Cellphone repair stores in the US & UK have been spotted offering on-site repairs:

Jonathan Riera from Repair Butlers has recently begun offering their pickup and delivery service. They run a complete repair and sanitation job right from their car, making it highly convenient for customers.

Pickup-Delivery-Services-Repair Butlers

Tip 3 – Use boxes or bags to collect mobile devices

Further on the above point, collecting repairable devices in boxes and bags is a good idea. This helps you limit contact with your customers and keeps your technicians safe. It’s a great way to get what you need without breaking social distancing. You can institute a dropbox of sorts for customers, similar to how the following people are doing it:

Use boxes or bags to collect mobile devices

Use boxes or bags to collect mobile devices

Use boxes or bags to collect mobile devices
Tip 4 – Disinfect and wipe down everything

This one goes without saying. Due to the nature of the Coronavirus, you need to disinfect all items that you come into contact with. This includes all mobile devices that you will be repairing. It’s a good idea to keep wipes and disinfectants on-hand when receiving a device. Also, you should make it a requirement for customers to clean their devices before giving them to your technicians and remove the cases.

You can follow the example set by one of the technicians below:

keep wipes and disinfectants on-hand when receiving a device

Tip 5 – Collect payments electronically

Given the situation with COVID-19, taking every necessary precaution is a must. This also extends to collecting payments from your customers. Naturally, collecting cash has become hazardous since it exchanges hands with people. This makes it a potential vector for the Coronavirus, and that’s not a risk you want to take. It’s way better to collect your payments online or through electronic means. This could be done either by bringing your payment terminal along with you or using services like PayPal or Venmo. You can even collect funds directly from your bank account. allowing for easy payments.

In the event that you have no other option but to collect cash, make sure to handle all bills with care. Try disinfecting them with UV lights so that you don’t run the risk of catching anything.


With the way things are during the COVID-19 situation, it’s a good idea to practice as much safety as possible. We hope these tips help you run your on-site repairs in a safer manner. Ultimately, this will help you survive in today’s climate, and continue to remain healthy.

RepairDesk wishes you the best of health, and we hope you continue to remain safe and healthy.

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