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More on Coronavirus Precautions: Clean the Devices before Repairs

by RepairDesk
The coronavirus outbreak

We have initiated a series of coronavirus precautions to help you run your repair shops safely and remotely. Today, we have got another kickass tip that will ensure your and your customers’ protection from the coronavirus. You will also earn more sales by following this word of advice. So, let’s get right into it:

Once you have set up your appointment calendar widget, your customers can book repair services from their homes. You can then go to a customer’s address to pick his device or do the repair right there and then (whatever the customer asked for in his appointment). Either way, now that you have got a customer’s device, you need to be extra careful in the regular repair job

Coronavirus PrecautionsA recent analysis from the Journal of Hospital Infection showed that the coronavirus germs stick on glass and metal surfaces and live there from two hours to nine days. Getting freaked out yet about touching any phone, let alone repairing it?

Mission: Safe Repairs

Well, it may not be as easy as frequently washing your hands to get rid of the coronavirus bacteria. Some people use soap and a microfiber cloth to clean the screens of all electronic devices. But that might not be enough to kill the coronavirus germs.

The good news is Apple’s recent announcement that iPhones can be easily cleaned with disinfectant wipes. So, all you gotta do is get a pack of those and you are good to go with the regular repair of iPhones. Your other options are UV sanitizer box and other alcohol wipes that contain 70% isopropyl.

Coronavirus Phone Sanitizers

Whichever method you use for disinfecting your customers’ devices, do not go overboard with it. Excessive amounts of these cleaning agents can go harsh on the devices and damage them. You don’t want that.

Sell Coronavirus Phone Sanitizers

You can also add these phone sanitizers to your repair shop inventory and sell them to your customers. The next time you return a repaired phone to a customer on their doorstep, offer them these sanitizing items. It will not only add a couple of bucks with each repair sale, but also enlarge their love for you when they see your concern about their safety.

Spread the Word of Safety

Just like we are playing our part in coronavirus prevention, you have to do the same. Advise your customers to frequently clean their phones and tablets at homes. Be there for your customers in this time of health crisis. We will see you in the next coronavirus precaution session. Till then, stay safe and stay in business!

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