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How Would OSHA Apply to a Computer Repair Shop’s Safety?

by Nosherwan Khan
RepairDesk How OSHA Can Help Computer Repair Shop Safety

If you want to keep your workers safe when repairing computers, you’ll need to put some safety protocols in place. Given that you’re working with computers, an electrical device, you’re going to be susceptible to the safety risks of such a profession. There are safety hazards to look out for, and certain rules need to be enforced to protect everyone. That’s where OSHA comes in.

What is OSHA?

OSHA, or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is a US government agency designed to help enforce safety standards. It helps protect workers from injuries and fatalities when working in a certain industry. The benefit that OSHA provides has helped many industries provide a safer, more comfortable work environment. For a computer repair shop, the policies set forward by OSHA also help out a lot, since they safeguard technicians from all sorts of hazards.

The agency has a unique way of overseeing the enforcement of its policies. Representatives from the government can arrive unannounced to carry out an inspection. This inspection lets them determine whether the workplace is up to code or not, and can lead to future visits as well. Those found in violation of OSHA safety codes are given citations and hefty fines, some going up to half a million dollars. While the agency itself is small, its outreach and oversight is very significant. But then again, it’s been very impactful in its mission. Since it’s advent in the 70’s, OSHA has been responsible for cutting down workplace injuries and fatalities by 75%. This proves that the agency’s policies have benefited people as a whole.

How does it protect computer repair shops?

Computer repair shops fall under many of the protections laid down by OSHA. Here are some of the areas in which their policies can apply.

General Protections

These standards apply to virtually all business that are not directly specified within OSHA’s catalog. Generally, any business that operates with more than 10 employees must adhere to OSHA standards for injury and illness records. The agency can partially exempt you based on varying circumstances, but the general rule applies to all.

OSHA regulations are divided into various subparts for general industries. These subparts contain codes for how general safety can be ensured across a number of fronts, such as hazardous materials, fire protection, medical and first aid, etc. For a computer repair shop, following these codes is important to maintain a safe work environment.

Lab Requirements

A computer repair shop is a place where there’s always a lot of electrical equipment. To deal with repairs and such, you’ll also need a dedicated area in your computer repair store to work. This is usually referred to as a ‘lab’ and OSHA provides guidelines on how to maintain safety standards in such an environment.

According to their code, all labs must have proper ventilation so that workers can have access to air. Keeping a lab ventilated is important to avoid dangerous bodily harm in certain scenarios. Also important is for employers to provide their workers with the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) that is necessary for the job. Items such as gloves, goggles, masks and insulated clothing are part of the PPE workers need to be provided. You need to maintain an accurate record for OSHA standards in case of an injury. These records are important for when you face an inspection.

OSHA provides a laboratory safety guidance handbook that details all the safety measures you need to take in a lab environment.

Training Requirements

Your computer repair shop will have workers who need to be trained, and OSHA has guidelines for that too. Employees need to be provided proper training on the risks involved with the job and with an emergency plan. This is so that they can attend to any situation much more easily and perform duties in a safe manner.

Employers are encouraged to provide their workers with a handbook that contains safety information as well. This makes it so that repair store employees are able to reference safety information easily. OSHA has made it easier for people to know more about the rules that they have to follow by releasing a guidebook of all their standards. You can train your employees easily with the help of this manual. Also, your safety procedures can be added from this guidebook in your computer repair shop software, if it has the provision to do so.

COVID-19 Protections

With the current status of the world, it is important to take protections against COVID-19. This disease is highly contagious and can be deadly for a lot of people. OSHA has created an entire support center on their website for COVID-19 that contains many helpful articles on how to keep yourself protected. Important among them are the key OSHA standards for COVID-19 that help detail how your repair store can protect its workers.

It’s important to stay updated with all the trusted information that you can when it comes to COVID-19. Since OSHA is a government body, its findings are closely aligned with scientific study and are designed to protect people with carefully crafted work policies. Following the directives of OSHA would be the best course of action in protecting yourself from any unfortunate incidents.

How can I comply with OSHA rules and regulations?

Keeping up with OSHA requirements sounds like an ordeal on its own. Luckily, there are a couple of ways that you can ensure that you comply with OSHA regulations.

Firstly, be sure to familiarize yourself with the guidelines using the manual for OSHA standards. Their rule book details all the codes and directives that businesses need to maintain to comply with regulations. You can also visit their website to learn more about how to comply their policies and use their online tool to verify your compliance.

Most areas also have a local OSHA Compliance Assistance Specialist that can guide you in the ways of enforcing their codes. These specialists will be able to give consultancy based on your industry type, the number of employees you have, and will also be able to review the measures you have taken. It would be best to contact your local Compliance Assistance Specialist to make sure you don’t miss anything out.

Closing Thoughts

Safety regulation is no small matter, and OSHA rules have proven to be very effective at keeping people safe. Your computer repair store can benefit greatly from following OSHA standards. Just remember, the safety of your employees comes above all else, and should be your prime responsibility.

If you’re looking to make your repair shop a whole lot better and a whole lot safer, check out RepairDesk. We’re an all-in-one repair management system that lets you take care of tickets, invoices, inventory and more. More importantly, we prioritize your safety above all else, which is why we have an internal wiki where you can add your safety code for your employees to see. Make your repair store a whole lot better with RepairDesk, and sign on today for a FREE 14 DAY TRIAL.

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