Rejoice! In addition to a bunch of bug fixes and reliability updates:
- We’ve added a new report “Total revenue by Sales” that shows gross revenue generated on a specific week/day across all outlets. This will help you see how your cell phone repair store is performing today vs yesterday or this week vs last week. More info is available here
- Based on popular demand from repair stores who deal with insurance companies, we’ve added “total revenue by customer” report that’ll give you a breakdown on how much you’re selling to each of your customers so you can determine your best customers and profits. More info is available here
- If you want to deep-dive into your payment data we’ve also added “Total amount by payment type” report which provides a breakdown of revenue activity by payment type on a specific week/day across all outlets. More info is available here
What’s Improved:
Sales by Item Type Report:
We’ve added a filter “TYPE” that lets you view best-performing products across specific categories e.g. repair tickets, unlocks, products, trade-in or casual items. Refer to our knowledge-based article for further details HERE!
Bug Fixes:
- When a repair ticket was created against any repair job, the allocated assignee received the job assignment email. But when the assignee was changed, the new assignee didn’t get the email for the task. This issue has been resolved successfully.
- The inventory items added in one store were not showing up at the other store. The synchronization issue is fixed, and inventory can now sync correctly between stores.
- A bug in the inventory valuation using weighted average cost has been smashed.
- Using the Appointment Calendar, the custom message written among lead details was not sent via email. You can now send all appointment details along with your message.
- When adding a repair in POS, if the category was not mentioned, the complete repair job disappeared from the POS section. This bug is removed and not all repairs are listed properly.
- Warranty claim on the paid invoice that wasn’t working before, can now be processed.
- Small bugs in Quickbooks integration are fixed.
- Items in the Trade-In section having cost price “zero” could not be purchased previously. The reported issue is resolved effectively by our development team.
- An issue with the display of IMEI number in print preview has been fixed successfully.
- Previously any store employee could view all the reports. But now, considering your privacy concerns, no employee can view the reports of any other store (to which he is not linked). Only linked personnel can view the related reports.
- Now, when you add a new vendor/supplier, the fields in the details adding pop-up will be blank for you to fill every time. The filled fields bug has been removed.
- The issue with the item quantity update has been resolved. The quantity of any item or part if updated in one store location, will not change anything in the other store’s inventory.
- The tiny problems with Internal WIKI integration are no longer there.
RepairDesk is now better than ever! It is a great time to start using it! Sign up to RepairDesk for a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS solution.