We’ve considered that while our product teams are busy at the wheel, we could keep our readers more involved and better informed with the progress through a monthly, Update Notes post.
So today we’re out with the post documenting the updates we introduced at RepairDesk Classic (earlier known as RepairDesk 1.0) in June 2022.
- RepairDesk 1.0 is now RepairDesk Classic.
- Hassle-free gratuity refund:
- Refund of gratuity is now possible with RepairDesk Payments. It all takes place within your Payment History tab.
- Automatic status change of open repair tickets:
- There is an automated status change of any open repair ticket to “customer reply” whenever you receive a mail/SMS from the customer regarding that ticket.
- PhonePro updates:
- Learn more in our blogpost here.
Meanwhile, if you’re not already a part of RepairDesk User Group at Facebook, you must change that!
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