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Enter Pin Before An Employee Can Create Repair Ticket

by RepairDesk
Enter Pin Before An Employee Can Create Repair Ticket

Some of you wanted us to add a feature where an employee must enter his PIN before they can create a repair tickets because if you are not logged in and someone else uses the point of sale it comes up that you created the repair ticket, not the actual person who did it. Sometimes if the correct data is not taken on the ticket then you can follow up with that person and retrain them to ensure all data you need is collected.

Today, we’re excited to introduce the ability that will now request an employee to enter PIN before they can create repair ticket. Once this trigger is enabled it will also request pin if you would like to update repair ticket, create invoice or add payment to an invoice.

To learn more about how to setup this feature, please visit our knowledgebase.

If you planned to take a look at RepairDesk but just didn’t get time – no problem, drop us a line and we’ll extend your trial for you.

As always, we’re excited to hear your feedback. Stay tuned for more updates in the near future!

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