Web Release Notes: Take Control Over Cash Register & Have Complete Record of Deleted Inventory

by RepairDesk
web release notes

We have a couple of big improvements and bug-fixes to share with you in our weekly web release. Let’s check them out;


Imp #469, 736 – Manual In/Out Transaction

Following changes have been made related to the Manual In/Out Transaction section;

  1. ‘Manual In/Out’ has been replaced by ‘Cash-In/Out’ for better understanding. Your account will now have this replaced text displayed everywhere.
  2. You can add any reference document, for example, any excel file, word document, image, etc. when recording cash-in/out transaction details after starting an employee shift.
  3. There are some design improvements in the ‘Cash In/Out’ report, with new columns including the standard search filters.
  4. We have added an option to download the reference document and an ‘Update’ button to let you edit the transaction details at the moment.

web release notes

  1. Two new triggers have been introduced against employees’ roles & permissions, that’ll allow you to take control over your cash register. If there’s an employee, against whom both of these triggers are disabled, he can only view the cash in/out report.
  2. An employee cannot update the cash record if he hasn’t started his shift.

Note: Update option on the cash in/out report is role-based and will disappear for the user accounts who are not allowed to update cash record. Refer to our knowledge-based article on Cash In/Out History Report for more details.

web release notes

RMA Listing Page

A new column named as ‘Created by’ has been added on the RMA listing page, that will let you know who created the particular RMA.

CAYAN Integration

When accepting payment via Cayan, you’ll see the option to cancel your transaction on payment processing pop-up after 6 seconds of processing and after cancellation, after payment cancellation, you can rest your Genius Terminal. For security purposes, you have to ‘Confirm’ the payment transaction before closing the pop-up.

To have a complete understanding of this integration, read out our Cayan Payment Integration article.

web release notes

Imp #594 – Employee Activity Log

We have improved the activity log report to maintain the details of all the actions performed by an employee. Now if any user deletes multiple inventory items from ‘Manage Inventory’, item’s id will also be recorded in addition to the item count.

web release notes

Toggle Removal

In this update, we have removed toggles against action-based notifications, for example, on sending a reminder on a due invoice or when an estimate is created, etc., to let you send manual emails without any error.

Imp #737 – Serialized Inventory in RMA

RMA can now be created against serialized items too. You can add any serialized inventory item in RMA by its SKU or serial number and whenever a serialized item is added in the RMA, it will ask you to select its serial number. Also, with these changes, a proper log will be kept against every RMA generated.

Refer to our knowledge-based article on RMA for more details.

web release notes

Search with SKU

A new search filter has been added in the ‘Trade-In’ section, that’ll allow users to search any item by its SKU.

Validations Against Purchase Order

A couple of improvements have been made against Purchase Order;

  1. If the status of a purchase order is ‘received’ and GRN has been created for all the line items, the user will not be able to edit those line items.
  2. If GRN has been created for any of the line items against the purchase order, whose status is ‘partially complete’, it will not allow users to edit that specific line item, but they can update the purchase order.

For more details, go to our knowledge-based article on How to Update Purchase Order.


  • An issue was reported regarding ‘PrintNode Integration’ that it was causing some errors while checking out from POS. This issue has been fixed and now you can use this integration flawlessly.
  • A couple of customers reported the issue that when they send an email after creating an estimate, it wasn’t allowing to send manual emails. We have made some *Toggle Removal improvement for this purpose.
  • A bug was stated that the terms and conditions given in the receipt were not displaying properly and it was breaking into alphabets when prints. We have fixed this issue.
  • Bug #729 – The cost price of transferred items in Transfer Order was also showing up for the employees who do not have the permission to view it. This reported issue has been fixed.
  • When trying to edit RMA, the system was not updating it and an error was displayed. This bug has been smashed.

RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS software for your cellphone repair store and see it for yourself!

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