A Guide to Using VAT Margin Scheme Support in RepairDesk!

by RepairDesk
VAT Margin Scheme support in repair shop software

VAT Margin Scheme support, a game-changer for the repair shops in the UK, EU, and many other countries, is here in RepairDesk. They can now buy and sell used and secondhand devices (cellphones, computers, laptops, tablets, gaming consoles etc) under the VAT Margin Scheme without worrying about the tax and profit calculations.

Our repair shop software covers everything you need for a profitable sale of each used gadget.

  • VAT Margin calculations

Say no to manual calculators, hours spent on tax and profit estimations, and the wave of frustration. Setup and configure the VAT Margin feature of your repair shop software, and leave it all to its automated solution. Every time you add a used device to a customer’s cart, the system will automate tax and profit calculations for you. So you can account for your sale in real-time.

  • Record keeping

One of the important eligibility conditions of the margin scheme is keeping the right record of your purchase and sale of a used item. That is why our POS software adds all the necessary information on the buying and selling invoices of each used device. So you can use these records to claim for marginal VAT.

  • Profit insights

Just like all the other cool reports of our repair shop software, you have a dedicated VAT Margin report. This one will tell you about all the store items sold under the margin scheme. You can keep track of your overall profits as well as view the profit details of each individual sale.

Are you ready to get started with this awesome feature? Let’s show you the step-wise breakdown of using the VAT Margin feature in RepairDesk.

VAT Margin Scheme Support in RepairDesk

Table of Contents

Happy Trading!

You’re probably too excited to use our VAT Margin feature that you will rush to trade used devices at your repair shop. Well, you should. So, let’s leave you to it. We’ll be right here if you have any queries about this or any other feature in our repair shop software.

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