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Maximize Profits & Minimize Risk With M360 & RepairDesk Integration
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Say Hello to Appointment Calendar

by RepairDesk

They say one must work with time and not against it. This is the time of technology and one needs to be on his toe to get along with it. Using a smartphone to manage routine tasks is the new black. Many researches have proved that people prefer to book an appointment via their smartphone or tablet rather than walking in the shop for their needs.

If you are a cellphone repair store, you know that scheduling appointments with customers can take a lot of your time. Sending emails back and forth, playing phone tag and reminding people to show up can clutter your day and keep you from the more important work of growing your business.

To help make appointment scheduling simpler and more efficient for your repair shop, staff and your customers, we’re introducing improved Appointment calendar widget that enable customers to book repair appointments through your website using a computer, tablet or a mobile.

Integration is straight forward and only takes few minutes. To learn more about how to setup Appointment Calendar Widget, checkout our knowledgebase.

Join hundred of cell phone repair shops who use RepairDesk for repair tracking & inventory management.

Start your 14-Day FREE trial today. No credit card required.

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