Case Studies SmarTeks & RepairDesk – A Lifetime Relationship by RepairDesk April 17, 2017 written by RepairDesk April 17, 2017 1.1K Like every journey starts off at some point, my journey started 10 years back when I was 13. My family was not very rich at the time and one day I broke my PSP. Despite of every effort, my parents could not afford to buy me a new PSP. After days of staring at a broken screen, I decided to do something on my own. I picked up some tools and worked to repair my PSP with all my heart and effort. In the end I was finally able to make it work again. This was the moment when I found the person I am today. I realized that I have the mind to repair broken things and help people who can’t afford to buy new ones. With this aim, I worked out of my house through the internet at age 14. In 2015, I stepped in the business of owning a repair shop. With $100, a display case, a table with tools and most importantly some loyal customers, I opened SmarTeks. The stock we starting off consisted of two iPhone screens. We used to get 5-10 repair orders per day in the beginning but those too were a lot to handle because of the paper work. Every time a customer walked in we used to rush to get the register and file entry in it. And it was worse to check the records when a customer wanted to claim warranty. We shifted on cloud based systems but they seemed to make no difference. We spent a lot of time in searching for a perfect repair CRM Software for our shop. And one fine day Google gave the answer to all our problems; RepairDesk! We decided to give it a try and we believe this is one of our best decisions. With the help of awesome team of RepairDesk and user friendly UI, it took us some hours to master it. The presence of RepairDesk in our shop helps us to save half of our time. And finding information of a customer is a piece of cake for us now. Let it be information of a customer or of an item in inventory everything is just some clicks away. It keeps us in check with all the processes going on in shop. We now can manage four times the business we did before seamlessly. We are a team of 4 people and handle this growing business because RepairDesk takes half of our burden. We offer the best services at front line and put all our effort in repairing orders when at the back end RepairDesk handles all the documentation, inventory check, repair item lists and what not. The smile we see on the faces of people after they get their device repaired makes our day because in the end we are not here to make money but life long relationship with them just like we have with RepairDesk- A lifetime partnership. customer feedbackpoint of sale softwarepos software for cell phone repairrepair crmrepairdesksmarteks 0 comments 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail RepairDesk previous post Smiles All Around – Why RepairDesk is Bringing in Happy Customers next post Customer Retention – The Value of Keeping the Right Customers Related Posts How Nano Repairs is winning more customers with... March 7, 2023 From Parking Lots to High-End Brick and Mortar... February 7, 2022 Why I Moved my Repair Shop Software from... November 1, 2021 How Kevin Marquess’s Unique Innovation Dramatically Transformed His... August 12, 2021 How Smart Decisions Helped Andrew Mourer’s YCD Electronics... February 8, 2021 How Jeff Sandridge’s The Smartphone Medics Hit The... January 25, 2021 How Denha Brothers Use RepairDesk To Oversee Their... November 25, 2020 Cell Geeks is Growing into a Repair Brand... November 11, 2020 How RepairDesk Helps Savannah iDoctor Stay Organized At... October 5, 2020 How Computer Repair Doctor (Cleveland) Got More Control... September 9, 2020