Hello to all the people on way to make history with RepairDesk.
The facts say that no business can be successful till it learns how to manage and use its finances in the best way possible. No matter how long you have been in the market, you are always learning about how to grow strong financially. Your market is full of softwares invented to cater the financial needs of software and you must choose the best one which fulfills your needs.
QuickBooks is the best online service providers in field of accounting and financial aid for businesses that need assistance in accounts. It has many outstanding features that make a business strong in finances as it progresses towards achieving its goals. The best news of this fall season is that RepairDesk is going to introduce its integration with QuickBooks soon. Here are the few pros our customers would be enjoying:
*Push RD Invoices Automatically in QuickBooks:
You will be able to link your inventory and invoices with QuickBooks. All invoices created in RepairDesk will be automatically synced with QuickBooks and “draft” or “approved”. The payments will also sync with QuickBooks so that you can stay updated all the time.
*Charts of Accounts:
All of your accounts including assets, purchases, tax, sales and payments will be updated in “Charts of Accounts” and you can select and view any account you wish to sync.
*Fastest Invoicing:
Making invoices is no more a big issue. With QuickBooks integration you can do multiple tasks in a few clicks: make invoices, storing data on cloud and synchronization to devices.
*Best Presentation:
This integration will record all the data about your sales, bills, expenses and earnings to present that all in the shape of an attractive graph in the end. You can view detailed calculations and data too. All this makes decision making easy for you.
*Customer Information Saved:
With every invoice created it will update the online stored database with a new customer and all of the information saved at one place. It extracts the extra effort you do in order to keep information of your customers saved.
*Easiest Tracking:
It will keep all of your data organized where it belongs. With QuickBooks, tracking of invoices is easiest than it ever was. You can search invoices whenever and wherever you want. The status of invoice created is updated and can be viewed whenever desired.
These are just a few cool features integration with QuickBooks has to offer you. In order to unlock other coolest features keep your eyes on the ticking clock so, you won’t miss to try it out before anyone else does!
We are going to roll out QuickBooks integration (beta) in coming weeks. Signup now so that you won’t miss anything.