To make sure that RepairDesk is always running smoothly on your end, we continue to fix bugs and improve the usability. Today’s update includes many improvements in the software and minor bug fixing. Some tweaks to the UX/UI are also included in this press release.
Here is what’s included in Press Release V.
Integration with IMEIGurus:
We’ve integrated with  IMEI Gurus for network unlocking so that whenever a customer creates an unlock ticket within RepairDesk, it automatically pushes that order to IMEI Guru server via API.
Improvements and Bug Fixing:
- While creating Purchase Order (PO,) products from other suppliers were not being listed. Now you see view products and accessories from all local suppliers.
- Now employees can quickly view notes right from the POS screen.
- When creating a ticket, the issue of taking signatures through Cayan has been fixed.
- Now you can click on customer’s name to view/edit his tickets or invoices.
- A new bug has been smashed which prevented users to create tickets while adding new device and problem.
- Date issue on Ticket History section of customers has been fixed.
- Customer search in Trade-in module has been efficiently improved in this release.
- New labels including store address have been added to receipts which can be viewed from the Settings.
- The issue with trigger while charging tax on replacement part cost price has been fixed.
If you have any question for us, feel free to contact us because customer satisfaction is, and will always be our topmost priority. Follow our Facebook Page for more updates.