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Web Release Notes: Fetch Report Based on Supplier & Track Due Time from Ticket Labels

by RepairDesk
web release notes

With the official start of the new season, our spring cleaning is in full swing. Although we are always working to improve RepairDesk, no matter the season, here are the updates and bug-fixes that we’ve recently rolled out;


Tag Addition in Ticket Label

With this enhancement, you will now have the option to see more details about the repair ticket via ticket label. We have added “Due Time” tag in repair ticket label to help you track the repair due time.

web release notes

Imp #653 – Search by Supplier

In the improved ‘Sales by Item Type’ report, you can now pull report data against any supplier when you select ‘Supplier’ under the ‘Criteria’ search filter. Also, a new column named as ‘Supplier’ has been added to let you view supplier details against any item.

web release notes

Bug Fixes:

  • Bug #554 – An issue was reported related to the commission calculation if there were multiple line items added in the cart. This issue has been fixed and now the commission will be calculated against each line item.
  • The error 404 has been removed from the ‘Purchase Order’ while creating RMA.
  • There was a bug that was showing closed tickets in the ‘Calendar’ widget even if the trigger ‘Hide Closed & Cancelled Tickets on Listing Page’ was turned on. This issue has been resolved.
  • Bug #693 – A permission issue was reported against employee roles that the member who doesn’t have the authority to delete any inventory item, could still remove the items by clicking on the global ‘Action’ button after selecting multiple inventory items from the list. This bug has been removed from the system.
  • There was a bug that the system was showing wrong ‘On Hand Quantity’ while creating a purchase order from the ‘Low Stock Report’. This issue has been fixed.
  • A big bug was tracked regarding the employee name that was changed automatically while updating the ticket. The system is now working properly, and the invoices are displayed with the same employee’s name who created them.

RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS software for your cellphone repair store and see it for yourself!

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