For years, RepairDesk has served thousands of independent repair stores in more than 20 countries around the globe. Through our feature-rich and budget-friendly pricing plans for repair stores, we have made business prosper worldwide.
In line with our vision of extending our services to large repair enterprises with multiple outlets running across different regions, RepairDesk has developed its Enterprise Version!
The new enterprise plan of our repair shop pos software will work best for the large multi-store retailers or franchises in the repair industry, who are struggling to retain their loyal customers. The enterprise plan is designed for the established store retailers to get a bird’s eye view of all the operations running at different store locations and to bring tasks at a single platform.
What’s new in RepairDesk’s Enterprise Version?
In addition to all the advanced features, customers who choose to upgrade to the Enterprise version will have the following features to benefit from:
- 10 Employee Accounts and multi-store support
- Loyalty Program – Boost customer retention and make loyal customers through RepairDesk Loyalty Program.
- Gift Cards – Get new customers and keep the old ones engaged through RepairDesk Gift Cards.
- Store Credits – Make refunds using RepairDesk store credits and run a profitable repair store.
- RepairDesk Payments – Quickly process payments from a terminal that integrates seamlessly with RepairDesk POS.
To make the magic happen at your multi-location repair store, RepairDesk is the best choice for you.
RepairDesk team is planning to go LIVE with Enterprise Version in the 3rd week of February. Upgrading your current pricing plan to the Enterprise version will open up new opportunities for repair businesses to bring more customers, retain existing ones, and keep your old customers coming back to you.
RepairDesk is bringing a lot more features for repair shop owners that will continue to increase productivity and reduce all the hassle faced every day. The best way to get a taste of it is to sign up for our 14-day free trial. If you’ve already created an account and want to try RepairDesk out again, you can click here to restart your trial.