Web Release Notes: Enjoy Customized Labels and Easy Bundle Selection

by RepairDesk
release notes

With this week’s web release, we’ve introduced different customizable labels, tracking of inventory adjustments and have primarily focused on bug resolutions! Let’s get into the details;


Different Label Options

RepairDesk has worked on adding labels for different sections, including Inventory, Tickets, RMA and GRN. There are now two distinct layouts – Default and Professional – that can be attached to tickets and inventory items.

After selecting the suitable label, you can customize it by choosing any suitable macro from a list of tags provided in the Template Editor.

release notes

Bundle Creation Based on Manufacturer & Device

Saving you multiple clicks, we’ve improved on our bundle creation method. Previously, when trying to create a bundle, all available parts were shown irrespective of any pre-selected manufacturer and device. Now, it’ll display only those relevant parts that are associated with the selected Manufacturer & Device.

release notes

Imp #608, #622, #623 – Inventory Adjustment

  • A search filter has been added in the ‘Inventory Adjustment’ report, allowing searches for any inventory item by its IMEI number.
  • Adjustment reference has been added against item history to make inventory tracking easier for you.
  • You can now see the positive inventory adjustment as a green-colored value and the negative adjustment will be displayed as a red-colored value in the Adjustment Details.
  • Sorting can now be applied in the Adjustment Details against Item Name, Quantity, Cost Price and Item Type.
  • Every amount displayed in the Admin History will have the corresponding currency symbol with it.

release notes

Imp #609 – Transaction Log Report

The following enhancements have been made in this report;

  • View Opening Cash Balance and Closing Cash Balance against every shift.
  • Total Difference of all payments will be displayed in green if positive & red if negative.
  • Notes and a link to download the PDF of this report will be shown just below the difference details.

release notes

Imp #637– Expense Report

A small improvement in the Expense module has been introduced which allows the amount written with any currency symbol to be identically copied to the ‘Expense’ report.

release notes

Imp #628 – Language Editor

In case of multi-store locations, you’ll now have a button that lets you copy your selected language settings to other stores using the Language Editor.

release notes

Imp #411 – Physical Part Location

Making it easier to spot your inventory item against a specific ticket, you can now know your item’s ‘Physical Location’ when going through ticketed items.

release notes

Bug Fixes:

  • A trigger named as “Hide Prices on PDF” was removed from the ‘Purchase Order’ settings. It has been placed there again.
  • Bug #633 – A bug was reported in RMA, it wasn’t updating the details whenever its date was changed. This issue has been fixed.
  • Bug #640 – An issue has been resolved that was fetching HTML code against a particular POS search.
  • A bug has been removed from “Location Sales by Item Type”. This section now shows all columns including ‘COGS’ and ‘Net Profit’ with accurate details under Repairs category.
  • Bug #646 – An error 500 has been resolved against the CSV export of “Total Revenue by Customer” report.
  • Bug #631 – The difference of values in the ‘Inventory Count List’ has been removed. Both columns i.e. expected and counted will now show the same values.
  • Bug #645 – With this bug fix, you can now see ‘Alternate Name’ with the ‘Business Name’ in Inventory Summary report.

RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS software for your cellphone repair store and see it for yourself!

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