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Web Release Notes: Enjoy Faster Page Loads & Control Payment Methods on Checkout

by RepairDesk
Web Release Notes

With the Spring stepping in and bringing us delight, RepairDesk is also pleased to present you another round of most requested improvements and bug-fixes to give you an enhanced user experience of our web app. Get the details about what’s new below;


Imp #584 – Category Specific Pre/Post Device Conditions

Following changes have been made to the ‘pre/post device conditions’ section in the ‘Store Settings’;

  • You can now choose to view the pre/post conditions of a device in a dropdown style or in the toggle mode.
  • From now on, you’ll have the device conditions against every category in the POS section.
  • Default conditions have been specified for your convenience, also you can add/edit any other condition if required against specific category.

web release notes

To get more details about this improvement, head on over to out knowledge-based article HERE.

Imp #644 – Trigger to Show Payment Methods

A new trigger called “Show on Checkout” has been added against every payment method in the ‘Store Settings’ that will let you select what methods of payment would you allow to display when accepting an invoice payment or at the time of checkout on the POS screen.

web release notes

Details Hidden by Default

Now whenever you visit the homepage, details of the ‘Location Sales by Item Type’ report will be hidden by default and can be viewed only if the down arrow button is clicked specifically.

Hide Out-of-Stock Items

To improve the performance of our POS module, a new trigger called “Hide Out-of-Stock Items from POS Product Listing” has been added. Now when you switch to the ‘All Products’ tab under ‘Products’ category on the POS screen, it will load only in-stock products and all other out-of-stock items will be hidden from the page.

Note: The above two improvements will decrease your page load time and let you view other meaningful insights without cluttering the screen with extra information.

Trade-In Report

You will now see ‘Trade-In’ report with an improved and better design. We have re-arranged the report’s columns and three new columns have been added, named as ‘Store Name’, ‘Status’ and ‘Total Cost’, to provide you all the details at a glance.

web release notes


  • A bug was tracked when trying to adjust inventory in another store location from the current store. It caused the update in inventory of the current store rather than updating the adjustment in the corresponding store whose data was updated. This issue has been fixed and now the inventory adjustment module works perfectly fine.
  • A macro in the auto-response emails has been fixed.
  • A ‘notes’ tag in the canned response email was not working correctly. This issue has been resolved.
  • An issue was reported in the inventory summary report that was showing the wrong item quantity whenever a date filter was applied. This bug has been fixed.
  • Bug #486 – An issue was identified while calculating the dual tax in the Manage Leads section. These tax calculations are now bug-free.
  • Bug #666 –An issue was reported in RMA labels that ‘RMA id’ and its ‘reason’ were not displaying if we attempt to remove the cost price from the label. These hidden fields are now displayed correctly on the RMA labels.
  • An error 500 was displayed while exporting ‘Total Revenue by Customer’ report. This error has been removed from the system.
  • An issue was encountered in the emails sent against a ticket creation from the ‘Customer Portal’. The email was not fetching the correct ticket details. This issue has been resolved and doesn’t exist anymore.
  • A bug related to the wrong total amount in the CSV export of the ‘Register Sales Report’ has been smashed.

RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS software for your cellphone repair store and see it for yourself!

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