With each new release of our web app, our team strives to continually improve the product and make RepairDesk a bug-free solution for you. We want you to be able to know what we are changing, so here is your inside scoop to all the issues resolved. Let’s have a look!
- An issue was reported that some of the customer information was missing in the email received by the admin while creating a trade-in lead from ‘Buyback’ widget. This issue has been resolved successfully.
- Bug #782 – A server error was thrown when trying to select a canned response under customer messages section of the ‘Tickets’ module. We have fixed this issue and customer messages can now be sent smoothly.
- A new device when added via POS screen, couldn’t be clicked for the detailed display. This bug has been removed from the system.
- The ticket duplication issue has been removed from the system.
- A bug was reported regarding the wrong refund amount of a trade-in item. The ‘Location Sales by Item Type’ report was showing the wrong refund value when trying to refund a trade-in item. This problem has been resolved.
- The option to select time was not working properly, at the time of new invoice creation. This issue doesn’t exist anymore.
- We have made some design fixes in the pop-up showing up in the ‘Sales Summary Report’ and ‘Multi-Store Report’.
- Previously when switching to another store, for example, you have opened ticket# 1092 and the same ticket doesn’t exist on the selected store, the system showed a 404-error page. The ‘Go Back’ button on the error page was not functioning correctly, however now if you click on this button, it will take you to the selected store’s dashboard.
- A problem was identified that a reference number of the deleted ‘Purchase Order’ was displaying in the ‘Low Stock’ report. This issue has been resolved and now the deleted purchase orders will not display anywhere.
- When trying to download the billing invoices from the ‘Billing’ section, the system was not allowing to do so. However, now you can successfully download your store’s invoices into PDF.
- A bug was reported that the system was also showing the currently selected store in the store selection dropdown when transferring any inventory item via a ‘Transfer Order’. This issue has been removed.
- There was a problem that the ‘Low Stock Inventory Report’ was not fetching any data in Print, CSV, PDF when trying to download these files. This bug has been removed and now the proper report data will be downloaded.
RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS software for your cellphone repair store and see it for yourself!