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Web Release Notes: Get Customer Reviews in One Click!

by RepairDesk

RepairDesk POS software is upgrading to bring maximum profit to your repair store this Holiday Season. We’ve worked closely on the customer feedback and found out what they want MORE from us. So, here’s what you can get with the latest release of our web app.

New Features:

Review Campaign

Reviews 02

It is the best time to get positive reviews from your customers and showcase them on your profile, website, or Facebook page. That’s why RepairDesk has added a dedicated campaign in the Campaigner module to collect customer reviews. Here’s what to expect from this feature:

Reviews Campaign

  • Ask customers to give reviews about your product or repair service after a purchase.
  • Set a time and send an automatic email after a regular interval.
  • Add a dedicated link in the review campaign to publish feedback on specific platforms.
  • Limit sending only 1-review email against a customer.
  • Capture reviews right after completing a customer transaction.
  • Check the email stats (opened/delivered/clicked) instantly.
  • Keep a record of emails sent with the in-app mailbox.
  • Translate the tags used in the campaign, in your native language.

Here’s more about the review campaign: Campaigner Module in RepairDesk

Estimates Module (Phase-II)

We’ve added some new features in the Estimates module to make it more compatible with the repair store’s workflow. With our improved feature, you can now:

  • Create repair tickets before creating a repair estimate.
  • Generate and send estimates even if you have charged the deposit invoice.
  • Display pre- and -post device repair conditions and internal notes on estimates.
  • Option to approve an estimate manually (if told by a customer verbally or any other related case).

Learn more about the module changes here: Manage Tickets & Estimates


ReVamp Wholesale

Our integration with ReVamp Wholesale is upgraded to the next level. We have changed the entire buying process and made it more user-friendly, smoother, and easier to order repair parts and tools. So, using RepairDesk’s integration with ReVamp Wholesale, you can now:

  • View real-time ReVamp Wholesale’s inventory without navigating from your account.
  • Import the items you need from a real-time diverse product catalog.
  • Choose the required items and map with your store’s inventory instantly.
  • Add out of stock parts to your RepairDesk Purchase Order with a single click.
  • Smartly map ReVamp Wholesale inventory, and RepairDesk will remember it for future imports.
  • Avoid repeat items’ purchase and view the available stock right on the spot.
  • Sync product images automatically & get notified on the status of your Purchase Order.
  • Quickly revert and rest the import process if anything goes wrong.

To learn more about the integration, head on over to our knowledge base article on ReVamp Wholesale Integration with RepairDesk

Display Unsaved Tickets

We’ve figured out the issue occurring when a repair ticket was in progress, and you accidentally closed the browser tab. To address this problem, we have added a new search option.

Choose ‘Show Unsaved Tickets,’ and a list of those incomplete tickets will be shown on the Manage Tickets page.

usaved tickets -reviewsItem Colors Association

From now on, when you’re creating a new item in Trade-In, only those colors will appear in the dropdown menu that are already associated with that device. This improvement is made to associate the right device with the right color.

Appointment Calendar

Image Size

We have added a new option in the Appointment Calendar settings. Choose the image size to display on the Appointment Calendar and give your appointment widget a new and beautiful look.

Sorting by Stores

Control the sequence in which your repair stores appear in the Appointment Calendar widget. Set the order from the Store Settings and have everything organized.

Bug Fixes

We have fixed a handful of bugs, and here are a few of them:

  • We have fixed the design issue reported in repair categories.
  • Users can now display ‘Lifetime Warranty’ on invoices and thermal receipts offered on repair services/products.
  • A reported bug has been resolved that was causing an error when displaying line items on thermal receipts.
  • We have removed an issue in the RMA. Repair store employees were not able to see the Tax amount on RMA. But now, they can review the tax amount successfully.
  • Inventory export email was not receiving on time. However, this issue doesn’t exist anymore.

That’s it for this release! Enjoy using the world’s 1st iPad POS solution for cellphone repair business.

Download RepairDesk’s iPad app now!

If you’re interested in learning more about how RepairDesk can help you become an excellent repair business that is hassle-free to run, check us out with a free 14-day trial. RepairDesk offers regular web and iPad releases, excellent software support, tons of features, free customer service, and the best value for your repair business. Sign up now!

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