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Release Notes November Part-II

by RepairDesk
release notes

Signing out of November with a great release of RepairDesk web app including lots of useful improvements and multiple bug fixes to increase stability. Hold back and see what’s coming your way;


Multi-Store Sales Breakdown Report:

Some new and beneficial columns have been added to increase transparency in your business and to provide control over Total Sales, Net Profit and Net Profit Margin showing detailed information against every store you own. Check out the improved report below;

multisales report

Custom Dates Selection:

Particularly in some of the reports where the date filter is provided, it will now fetch the accurate data against the custom dates selected based on the grouping of monthly or weekly option chosen.

custom date selection

Manufacturer & Device Columns:

When counting inventory count or in case of inventory transfer, you can now view the device name along with the manufacturer name, against any item selected for re-ordering or transfer.

add manufacturer device

Bug Fixes:

  • A bug was reported that the commission was not being applied to an employee whenever he created a ticket from the POS. The issue has been fixed and the employee can now receive his commission properly.
  • My Commission report was previously printing the data for the current date only, however, this issue doesn’t exist anymore.
  • There were some design issues under the repair parts section in POS, that have been resolved.
  • A bug was preventing the search for an item by its name in the Purchase Order section if the default supplier was different. You’ll no longer face this inconvenience and can search for the item by its name, SKU and item ID.
  • A few small bugs have been smashed in the  Self-check-in widget.
  • An issue was encountered regarding last modified date in tickets when created via the customer portal. It displayed the same date irrespective of the ticket creation or update day. However, now the dates are coming up correctly.
  • The screen jamming issue after adding a new manufacturer from POS has been resolved; that was previously asking for the refresh to continue the task.
  • Now every employee will get to see the other store locations while transferring inventory items from one store to another, regardless of his association to a particular store.

RepairDesk is now better than ever! It is a great time to start using it! Sign up to RepairDesk for a FREE trial of our all-in-one POS solution.


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