We, at RepairDesk, have always tried to improve our customer’s experience. The year 2020 started with a bang and we set our minds to implement all the improvements suggested by our lovely customers. Our software engineering team has worked tirelessly to incorporate business-boosting features in our software since January 2020. And this is precisely why we want you to know what awesomeness will be coming your way this year in our H1 2020 Roadmap.
H1 2020 Roadmap
The year is long and the features are too many. So to keep ourselves from overwhelming our customers, we have developed this Trello board to share our roadmap for H1 2020.
Why share H1 2020 Roadmap?
At RepairDesk, we love to keep our customers engaged. Sharing our plans for the future is to ensure that our customers know what we are doing for them so they can plan accordingly. We get a lot of constructive feedback that we prioritize accordingly and work on implementing them. All the hard work is to ascertain that your business remains profitable and you increase your customer base.
Give your feedback
We know that you love using RepairDesk and this very idea keeps us motivated to go the extra mile for you. Just like with every great software, some bug occasionally pops up that needs to be shown its place. If you find that bug or have any suggestion that can improve RepairDesk further, please report here.
If you are reading this, and still haven’t started using RepairDesk, try our 14-Day Free Trial. We won’t ask you for a credit card. Promise.