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Web Release Notes: RepairDesk’s Big Step Towards New Features Launch!

by RepairDesk
Web Release Notes

The COVID-19 crisis has affected almost every business and every individual around the globe. But Team RepairDesk has been using this time of lockdown, quarantine, and isolation to be more productive than before. We have been working hard, hearing what our valuable customers have been saying, and have worked effortlessly to provide a whole new release of our web app with plenty of improvements and new features. Let’s talk about them one by one.

VAT Margin Support

Starting off, we have a round of good news for UK and EU retailers. RepairDesk has added a new feature to calculate VAT margin on all products sold at your repair store. Using a Margin Scheme will reduce the Value Added Tax (VAT) you have to pay on your sales of used mobile phones. It is beneficial because, without a Margin Scheme, you would have to account for VAT on the full selling price of each item.

RepairDesk VAT Margin Support

Learn How it Works

InjuredGadgets Integration Revamped

We’ve also spruced up our InjuredGadgets integration during this time. The following improvements have been introduced in the integration:

  • From a vast list of products, select and import categories, manufacturers, and devices as needed.
  • Get an email notification after the import process is completed.
  • Smartly map InjuredGadgets’ inventory the first time and the system will remember it for the future.
  • View newly-added SKUs added by InjuredGadgets right on the import screen.
  • All the new items that you import from the InjuredGadgets catalog will be added to your inventory with live images from their website.
  • When creating a Purchase Order, view InjuredGadgets’ real-time item counts and set item quantity accordingly. The system will show an error message if you add a higher number than the total available stock.
  • It will also adjust your item quantity equal to the number of pieces available at the InjuredGadgets warehouse.
  • Whenever new item(s) are added to the supplier’s online stock, you will be automatically notified.

RepairDesk-InjuredGadgetsTo learn more about the feature, head on over to our knowledge-base article on InjuredGadgets Integration.

With these improvements, RepairDesk has announced an exciting offer for all the InjuredGadgets customers. Get our repair shop POS software only for $1/month for the first two months of subscription, with a pre-populated InjuredGadgets inventory, so that getting started is a lot easier for you.

That’s not all; InjuredGadgets customers can also get a Free “Payments Terminal” when signing up for RepairDesk Payments.*

*Terms apply.

Get the Offer Now!

Improvements in the Enterprise Version

Introduction of Inventory Bundles

RepairDesk has recently announced an amazing feature to upsell and cross-sell items at your repair store – the new Product Bundles. Using the feature, you can group two or more repair services together and make a Service Bundle, or pair multiple inventory items (accessories and repair parts) in a Product Bundle, or even better, do a mix-and-match with the option of creating a Product/Service Bundle.

RepairDesk Inventory BundlesTo learn more about this feature, head on over to our knowledge-base article on Product Bundles.

Void Store Credits

Your employees can now revert store credits’ amount if they have mistakenly added the wrong amount at the time of processing a return.

Pay for Inventory Bundles via Loyalty Points, Gift Cards or Store Credits

With the latest improvements, your customers can now purchase their selected inventory bundle by paying through cashless options. You can sell inventory bundles by redeeming customer loyalty points, using their pre-existing store credits, or via gift cards.

Loyalty Points on Inventory Bundles Purchase

Your valuable customers can now earn loyalty points on the purchase of Product Bundles.

Sell Gift Cards Separately to Maintain Uniformity

To keep you out of uncertainty, your employees will not be allowed to create tickets against Gifts Cards, and no gift cards can be sold with any repair service.

Learn More About Enterprise Version

Low Stock Parts Hide Trigger

To avoid clutter on the POS screen, we have added a new trigger named ‘Hide Out of Stock Repair Parts from POS’ in the POS settings. It’ll enable you to view only those repair parts that are currently available at your repair store.

Items Sync on Selective Stores

On creating new inventory items, you can now select stores on which you want to sync that created item. No matter through which store you are creating the item record, just select the store type and choose where to add the particular item. For more information, hit the link here.

Button Repositioning

To reduce scrolling and save time, we have changed the position of the Save button. You’ll now have the button above the created serials list of any item. It’ll save you from the hustle of scrolling down multiple pages when you have just updated the price of the item.

RepairDesk Screen

Ticket Assignment Improved

At the time of ticket creation, you can choose from the following options to assign any employee against the ticket created.

  • Default – Same as the current workflow. The employee who is currently logged-in into the system, the ticket will be assigned to him.
  • Unassigned – Leave the ticket unassigned initially and the admin or super admin will decide the assignee later on.
  • Specific Employee – Choose from the list of your store employees and assign the ticket to him right at the moment.
  • Assignment Based on Access Pin – At the time of ticket assignment, enter the employee’s access pin whom you want to assign the ticket, and you are good to go.

RepairDesk Ticket AssignmentGo to the Store settings, and choose one of the above-mentioned options to update your workflow.

IMP #1010 – Attach documents in tickets

To keep a record of every repair, you can now add/attach documents with repair tickets. You can either

  • Upload image
  • Upload documents
  • Upload pre and post device condition images
  • Email customer with attached document things to customer

For example, if a technician finds out an extra repair in the device, he can make a quick estimate for that repair service, attach the image of that estimate and email it to the customer. Better transparency!

RepairDesk Attach documents in ticketsGo to our knowledge-base article for more information: Ability to Attach Documents in Tickets.

Export Data with Email Notification

With the new workflow, when exporting customers, inventory data, or any other record, the user will get the email with the exported Excel file attached in it when the export process is completed.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned and join RepairDesk for managing your online store sales and building a safe business from home.

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