We planned, we designed, we presented and we refined – RepairDesk Loyalty Program.
There’s no doubt that loyalty program is a sales booster for retail and a healthy feature for repair businesses. We promised our repair shop customers of a top-of-the-line loyalty program coming soon to RepairDesk. And it’s about time. We would like you to know about the improvements that we have made in our loyalty program design. So you can make the most out of it.
Loyalty Portal
Initially, there were two options for customers to sign up for your repair shop’s loyalty program. A customer can sign-up directly from the email invite or he can ask the store administrator to manually register him for the program. Now, there’s a third and the easiest way of loyalty sign-up: loyalty portal.
All you have to do is create a loyalty portal by generating an iFrame code from RepairDesk’s customer loyalty feature. And your customers will be able to register for it by accessing that portal on their devices, anytime, anywhere!
Bonus Loyalty
You can set the loyalty points in the system, which will be added to customers’ account as bonus for registering themselves into your loyalty program. Consequently, those bonus points will be applied on all of the methods:
- Email sign-up
- Manual store sign-up
- Loyalty portal sign-up
Revert Loyalty
The system allows you to add loyalty points to your loyal customers’ accounts, right? Now, you can also revert them. Enter the loyalty points and select ‘void’ from the menu to revert those points from a customer’s account. You can do this directly on the POS screen or by going to ‘manage customers’.
Loyalty on Gift Cards
Some repair retailers don’t prefer to assign loyalty points on gift cards purchase, while others do. Therefore, we have implemented a trigger for you to choose whether you want to give loyalty on gift cards or not. Your choice!
Customer Loyalty Record
This is about an add-on in exporting customer data in a CSV excel file. In that file, you will now see total loyalty points against each customer in a separate column.
Ending Loyalty Program
Most retailers like to have seasonal loyalty program for customers. As you can start the program with an email invite to all customers, you’d be ending it the same way. A new ending email has been added to the loyalty suite with different templates. You can choose one, edit the expiration date, and send it to your customers. Notify them to rush to your store and redeem their loyalty points before it gets late.
Say hello to your loyal customers
Existing customers are the dark horse of your repair business. If you earn their loyalty and satisfaction, they will bring more sales to your store than you can count. So, get ready for making the right move of turning your existing customers into loyal ones with RepairDesk Loyalty Feature. Sign up your customers for loyalty program and beat the game!
Keep repeat customers coming back to you with everything we are offering in RepairDesk Enterprise Plan.