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Release Notes- September 2018 Part 2

by RepairDesk
release notes

RepairDesk aims to release updates at least once a month, but September has been very exciting for us and all of our teams have been hard at work to release new features, improvements, and fix bugs multiple times throughout the month.

We have both the web app and iPad fixes for you. Read about everything that is now better in the web app in this release note, while you can stay tuned for information regarding the iPad app.

Here is what’s improved:


Previously, you could not alter the settings of Purchase Order and it was visible to anyone using your RepairDesk account. In order to ensure privacy, the cost price of the Purchase Order being placed will now just be shown to the account admin or to whom he/she allows.

The account admin can grant access to view purchase order price to employees, staff members or technicians if he/she wishes.

There’s a trigger that has been added to store settings which control the showcase, as shown below. You must follow the steps mentioned:

Go to: Settings > Roles > Permissions > Purchase Order > Show Price, Tax & Total

edit cart

Alter permissions here and choose which information will be visible to each user.

Bug Smashes:

Multi-Store Report

The applied discount issue for invoice refund has been resolved. The report was not showing accurate results after providing a discount. Now you can give refunds any paid invoice and give discounts easily. Multi-store reports now account for discounts properly.

Track Email/SMS:

The inability to view the content of manually sent emails to customers has been removed. You can now go through your sent emails or SMS and read them at your discretion.

Cash Register:

The cash register creation bug that moved the register to another store, and that was hindering the starting/ending of the next shift has been rectified. Cash registers along with shift management are now free of error.

Some other bug fixes are;

  • While using POS, customers adding more than one device were experiencing a problem as this caused some of the available inventory parts to disappear immediately. The related bug has been fixed.
  • When editing a customer record, the referral source update pop-up (How Did You Find Us) was displayed every time when any other details were changed. The pop-up will not be displayed anymore until you want to edit it.
  • Issues related to product cloning in Inventory Management do not exist anymore.

If you want to report any bugs or issues or give us suggestions, please visit us on GitHub.

Thank you for being part of RepairDesk; we strive to ensure cell phone repair stores around the world succeed.

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