Why Your Repair Store Needs SMS Notifications

by RepairDesk
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Running a repair store today – or any kind of order-based business, for that matter – requires that you keep your customers updated and informed at all times. Thanks to modern tech, we’re able to do that much better than before. However, if you want to get in touch with your customers as quickly as possible, there is no way better than SMS notifications.

Everyone uses a cellphone and while they may not always access their emails, they do read text messages. SMS is a primary feature of cellphones, it delivers reliably, and it’s fairly cheap. This makes it a great marketing tool. According to a report, 48% of consumers prefer receiving brand updates through SMS.

Therefore, as a repair store, it becomes integral that you incorporate SMS messaging into your workflow, and having a POS software that lets you do it right through the system helps out a lot. Here’s why we believe SMS messaging is integral to your repair store, and why you should definitely incorporate it.

Notify Customers About Repair Jobs

The most obvious benefit is directly tied to repair jobs. When a customer walks into your store for a fix, they’ll need to know what repair will be taking place and when to expect everything to be fixed. Printing a repair ticket will help them with that, but in order to keep them updated in real-time, sending them SMS alerts will execute the job perfectly.

Statistics show that, on average, an SMS has a delivery time of 3 minutes, and has a 98% open rate. This means that it’s the quickest and most surefire way to keep your customers updated on their repair jobs. Sending an alert in real-time when the job is complete and the item is ready for pick-up improves your turnaround time dramatically. If there are no SMS alerts being sent out, you may face considerable delays in sending information to your customers, and your business may suffer due to it.

Keep SMS Messaging Targeted and Precise

Since an SMS is delivered in real-time to individuals and can only hold 160 characters for one message, your messaging becomes a lot more targeted and concise for your audience. It gets them straight to the point and makes it easier for your customers to acquire key information. This makes communication with them a lot more effective since you’ll always be putting in details that are absolutely vital while cutting down on any confusion and fluff.

Promote Your Business with Special Offers

Bringing SMS alerts into your business’ marketing campaigns helps out tremendously in boosting profits. Since you’re able to target specific customers, you can tag them with special offers that they might find beneficial. The special offers can either be related to your store or can be a collaboration between you and another business. This ties SMS messaging directly with your major marketing campaigns, building healthy business relationships with both your customers and any other stakeholders involved. It also makes you more effective in promoting your business to the right people, and motivating them even further to engage with you for their needs.

With our RepairDesk SMS service, you can easily send messages that tie in with your marketing efforts and notify your customers of any special offers that you provide.

Build Stronger Customer Relationships

Tying right into the previous point, when you target customers with information that they want to hear and personalize it for them, you build a stronger relationship between your business and the people you reach out to. Customers will hold a better reputation of your business with real-time alerts on their repair jobs since you’re focused on keeping them informed at all times. That’s something that quality businesses do, and customers really appreciate it.

By sending them targeted messages with a degree of personalization, your business appears more welcoming and caring to customers, easily building more rapport with them. They’ll also be grateful to you as you notified them of a deal that can save them a few extra bucks.

Two-Way SMS Messaging Makes Communication Better

Most platforms allow you to send updates to your customers, but if you’ve got two-way messaging enabled, that makes the entire system a whole lot better. By giving your customers the option to reply back, you’ll be in direct communication with them, allowing customers to give you updates as well.

Two-way messaging allows you to know when a customer will be coming to collect their repaired items, and address any concerns that they have in real-time. It also lets them know that you’re always within reach, so you can get better attend to their needs. Two-way messaging is a pretty niche feature, so be sure to check with the service you’ve signed on for if it has everything baked right in.

RepairDesk SMS Does It All for You

There are lots of benefits that SMS messaging can do for your repair store, and RepairDesk SMS provides you with all the tools you need to make the most out of it.

With RepairDesk SMS, you’ll be able to leverage the power of SMS messaging right through your POS software. Send real-time notifications to your customers, deliver appointment reminders, dispatch messages in bulk, acquire a private number to send your texts from, communicate through two-way messaging and add opt-out links to your messages.

RepairDesk SMS takes care of all your needs when it comes to communicating with your customers. The service is available in 13 countries, and offers great pricing deals for your repair store. Learn more on how you can power up your business with RepairDesk SMS today here, and sign up now.

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RepairDesk makes your life easier by helping you manage your work effortlessly and with just a few clicks. We have everything – from creating repair tickets to inventory management and more. Get a FREE trial of our computer repair shop POS software for your cellphone repair shop and see it for yourself!

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